Author Experience in WordPress — Let’s Fix This

WordPress has achieved its mission to democratize publishing, so any blogger, writer, editor, or content manager has access to a powerful publishing platform on the Web. So, how do you put all of the awesome capabilities of WordPress to best use?

It’s a myth that a CMS is a silver bullet for online publishing. While incredible strides have been made for content management and user experience, the Author Experience has lagged in comparison. AX ≠ UX. We need to customize the implementation of WordPress to create a better workflow for authors and editors.

Content managers have even more needs. In addition to managing AX and editorial workflow, we need to work with typography, digital asset management, and even content strategy. Can WordPress do this? Let’s fix this.


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Skarjune was a former contributor on the Make Marketing team,,Training Team, and WordCamp Minneapolis—St.Paul organizing team. Skarjune supports new Governance for WordPress.og, which should not be affiliated with nor other commercial support partners. Let's optimize this Open Source GPL community-driven project.

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