Have you ever wondered what WordPress is thinking about as it slowly takes it’s time, compiling your page, chatting with the database, casually sauntering between functions and finally flirting with the browser in anticipation of a long overdue response?
Well wonder no more my friend! Come learn how to quickly and easily identify which of the hamsters is falling off his wheel. We’re going to apply some very simple principles to find performance leaks in a WordPress install and patch them up with some good ol’ duct tape, chewing gum, and object cache.
You will leave this session with knowledge and tools to improve WordPress plugin and theme performance (and by proxy, increase your SEO and probably your hourly rate as well).
About Peter
As a partner at Modern Tribe Inc., Peter leads most of the technical projects, often with budgets in excess of $250k, working exclusively with freelancers. He’s released over a dozen WP plugins including the infamous image widget. He has also spoken at WordCamp LA and SXSW.
Peter is a WordPress junkie, project manager, coder, father, musician, artist, blogger, surfer and chronic list maker with an obsession over Google spreadsheet formulas (though not necessarily in that order).