Andrea Tetrault | Ride. Write. Repeat.

Crashing the bike culture party through tenacious bloggery and the relentless use of social media.

Winnipeg CycleChick started out as lonesome letters home from a mid-life crisis cycling vacation. But it was when the vacation was over that the journey truly began. In its beginnings, Winnipeg CycleChick documented the misadventures, rants and confessions of an amateur cyclist as she naively navigated the complex and often hostile world of cycling. Then came the horrific moment when she realized people were watching. Three years later, WCC has become a recognized part of that world, and an extension of the passion that started the blog in the first place.

About Andrea

Andrea is a graphic designer and blogger. She started using WordPress for her cycling blog, Winnipeg CycleChick, about two years ago when she became frustrated with the limitations of other blogging platforms. The blog has grown from an audience of one to a viewership of many, from all over the world. If she has an expertise, Andrea brings her passion for cycling to people in a non-threatening, entertaining and informative way. She has done quite a bit of public speaking, as a guest lecturer for students of design, as past president of the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (MB), as a presenter at Pecha Kucha Winnipeg, and most recently, as “Winnipeg CycleChick” at the awards banquet for the Manitoba Cycling Association.

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